Our Strategy

It’s not our job to persuade those in power. Our job is to replace them. Here’s how we do that.​

recruit, train and back no-corporate-cash candidates

We work year-round to recruit pro-labor, no-corporate-cash candidates to run for office. We offer our endorsed candidates money, mentoring, policy and communications support, materials templates, a full candidate training guide, and a community of support with other candidates.

help candidates govern once they're elected

We work hard to make sure that our candidates have everything they need to govern with integrity and accountability once they reach elected office. We offer our elected officials governance training, project funds, mentoring, policy and communications support and a community with other elected officials.

support the people who do the work government fails to do

In order to win a people’s government in the Mountain State, we must do everything we can to support the West Virginians who pick up the slack where politicians fail. We offer community organizers and local community organizations project funds, mentorship, training, fiscal sponsorship, and connections to both legal and mental health services. Plus, what we can't provide directly, we know someone in our movement can.


Fund the Movement

This movement runs on people power, without a dime of corporate cash. Make your donation today. Or better yet, join the ranks of our monthly donors by selecting the box during check out! 

Join the Movement

It will take 1,000 leaders not 1 to win a West Virginia that works for all of us. That means we need you!