Andrea "Red"
for House of Delegates
District 13

Hi, I’m Red Greer!
I love and cherish this area and its people, and I’m proud to own a home in Parkersburg. I’m a local small-business entrepreneur and currently working to create stock for my launch in the next year or so. I’m also a wife and mother, and cannot bear the thought of my children moving away to seek better opportunities elsewhere. Our families need better opportunities right here, at home!
During my life, I’ve faced adversity, many of the same challenges facing our neighbors today. I know what it’s like to live paycheck-to-paycheck (my family still does, and one largish unexpected expense would wreak financial havoc). I have experienced food insecurity, housing insecurity, joblessness, lack of insurance, and more. I understand the challenges – mental, emotional, physical – that accompany living with insecurity. I want to bring that experience and understanding of poverty to West Virginia’s House of Delegates, where I believe such a perspective is sorely needed.
I’m excited to run for House of Delegates because I believe we can be so much more and do so much better for West Virginia’s people and environment! We have many challenges facing our state, and a fresh way of doing things is needed. At this point in time, West Virginia’s 13th District is looking at a steadily dwindling population, ever fewer resources to move forward, and a lot of divisions to heal. I have a passion for helping others, and moving forward is my essential state of being! I want to work hard for the people in my district, to present you with better options for our future.
It’s time for transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in our state government. I’m committed to making our state government work better for all of us. I want to represent the people in my district, and vow to do so to the best of my ability! You should be able to count on your representative to represent YOU, not big monied interests or an exclusive old-boys club that only looks out for their own. It’s far past time that we start making a better future for ourselves and our children. Let’s give our young people ample reasons to stay here, in the MOV, by ensuring they have happy, long, productive lives to look forward to in the Mountain State!